Our History

The King of Clubs of Greater Miami, Inc., one of Miami’s oldest civic clubs, was organized on Monday, November 20, 1930 by a group of ten young college men. 

While recognizing the need for socialization, the members were firm in their determination that the foundation of the club should rest on civic service rather than on social extravagance. To this end, The Forum was chosen as the medium through which this aspiration was to be achieved, and it was the major project on which the members agreed to spend their major efforts and energy.

The Forums were discontinued several years ago because of so many other Sunday afternoon attractions but were reinstated in 1991. In addition to the forums, the club has continued to honor young people for their achievements and academic excellence. It sponsors a Scholarship/Awards Banquet each year to honor persons for their achievements in a variety of public and community service areas.

Over the last 34 years, KOC has awarded more than 100 Miami-Dade County high school graduates with scholarships totaling close to a quarter of a million dollars.

Membership in the club has grown over the years. The charter members are no longer living, but longtime membership still exists. 

Eleven persons have served as president since 1930: Dr. C.C. Edwards, Mr. F.W. Reynolds, Mr. Fred Hicks, Mr. Daniel R. Francis, Attorney L.E. Thomas, Mr. Fletcher Paschal Jr., Mr. David R. Mann, Mr. James B. Randolph, Sr., Dr. Astrid K. Mack, Mr. Hosea Butler and, Dr. Richard Strachan, and, currently Mr. Ron Butler.